How can we help you?

Reimbursements for Non-Employees

Contact Accounts Payable
  • For Travel & Expense policy and Emburse Enterprise support 734-615-2000 press 3, press 2
  • [email protected]
  • M-F, 8:00AM-5:00PM

The SSC offers an opt-in service for student/guest reimbursements. The service provides you with support, expense report creation, e-signature requests and voucher creation. If your unit is not currently enrolled in the Student Guest Reimbursement Service, but you could benefit from this support, contact your unit’s Customer Relationship Manager at [email protected] to learn more.

If a student or guest needs to be reimbursed for expenses that were related to U-M business, either a Travel and Business Hosting Expense Report (TBHER) (for travel or hosting expenses) or a Payment Request Form (for other expenses) will need to be completed. For ease of use, both forms include line-by-line instructions on how they should be prepared.


NOTE: Requests should never include Social Security Numbers.

Request Non-Travel Reimbursement for students or guests

For expenses not related to travel or hosting through the Payment Request Form, reimbursements to a non-employee can be submitted via email, fax, or the U.S. Postal Service.

Email us the Payment Request Form

Fax: 734-764-8214

Mailing Address:
SSC Accounts Payable
3003 S. State Street
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1282.

Request Travel Reimbursements for students or guests

A student or guest of the university can be reimbursed for travel by completing the Travel Business Hosting Expense Report (TBHER). Any receipts for the trip need to be attached to the form for review.


NOTE: Reimbursements for U-M employees should be submitted through Emburse Enterprise.

Email us the Travel Business Hosting Expense Report form.

Fax: 734-615-5704

Mailing Address:

SSC Accounts Payable
3003 S. State Street
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1282