Pay by Credit Card
Make a payment by credit card online if your University of Michigan invoice indicates credit card as a payment option.
Pay an Invoice
Make a payment to a supplier with an invoice billed to the University of Michigan to pay for goods and services.
Pay Without an Invoice
Make a payment to a supplier for things other than goods or services. Examples: Conference fees, membership dues, ShortCode suppliers.
Pay an Individual
Make a payment to an individual (student or guest) who is not a U-M employee for goods or services, including reimbursements and refunds.
Pay Another U-M Unit
Make a payment to another U-M Unit for goods or services.
Pay the University
Pay an accounts receivable invoice through available payment options.
Pay a Foreign Supplier
Pay a foreign supplier, check status of a foreign payment, set up a wire transfer.
Check Payment Status
Check the status of the payment for accounts payable, accounts receivable, or travel & expense transactions.
PeoplePay Processing
This opt-in service provides you with end-to-end support in the PeoplePay process.