You have come to the right place if you need help troubleshooting an issue with vacation or sick time. If you have questions, please call 734-615-2000, press 2, press 2 or email us.
NOTE: The SSC does not have the ability to submit or make changes to timesheets (except in some maternity and parental leave cases). The SSC also does not administer or approve extended sick time benefits. Employees should contact their supervisor for changes or approvals. The SSC does not handle leave balances for Michigan Medicine (unless working for the Medical School).
If you cannot see your vacation balance, the most common reason is that your time was not entered or approved prior to the payroll cut-off deadline. Once your time has been entered and approved your balances will show after the next payroll. To access the payroll cut-off deadline calendar, instructions can be reviewed here.
If your vacation balance is incorrect your first step is to ensure your time was entered and approved and is current. Check with your supervisor to correct any errors.
- Vacation accruals are loaded to an employee’s vacation bank on a monthly basis. To view the current biweekly and/or monthly vacation and sick time renewal schedule, please visit the Leave Accrual Schedule.
- Biweekly employees have their accrual loaded each month on the first day of the pay period that includes the first day of the month. Date of accrual is based on pay period, not the calendar month.
- Monthly employees have their accrual loaded each month on the first day of the month.
- Visit the U-M guidelines for vacation to view University policies on vacation time.
- View allotted vacation accrual amounts and maximum accrual balances allowed based on appointed FTE here.
This eForm is only for Flint HR to submit requests for SSC Paid Leave Balance to load vacation balances for a specific population of Academic Administrators.
If you took sick time before it was due to renew, but you see it taken off your new sick balance: the most common reason is that your time was not entered or approved prior to the renewal, causing it to be deducted from the new balance.
- To view the current biweekly and/or monthly vacation and sick time renewal schedule, please visit the Leave Accrual Schedule.
Bi-weekly employee sick banks are renewed on an annual basis at the beginning of the pay period including the first day of the month matching the service date. The renewal is based on pay period, not the calendar month.
Monthly employee sick banks are renewed on an annual basis, on the first day of the month matching their service date.
Visit the U-M guidelines for sick time pay to view University policies on sick time.
Vacation payouts take 4 to 6 weeks following the last regular paycheck. All time has to be entered AND approved for payout. This includes reporting time on the final timesheet up to the last working day before the termination date.
Visit the U-M guidelines for terminations and vacation payouts, including vacation payout eligibility, for more information.
A staff member with expertise in specific areas may be asked to teach in addition to their regular job appointment. These staff members are known as LEO lecturers. LEO lecturers will have a reduction of effort to their regular job appointment and the effort will be applied to the LEO appointment. Because LEO appointments are not part of the accrual system, the supervisor/department administrator should submit a request on behalf of the staff member if they wish for the employee to accrue time at their combined effort while serving in the LEO appointment. Requests should be submitted each term to ensure the change in effort of appointment does not result in lost accruals or a vacation payout.
Supervisors/department administrators: to submit a LEO Accrual Request on behalf of an employee, please visit the eForm.
Up to six weeks of paid maternity (childbirth) leave is available to eligible employees, while up to six weeks of paid parental leave is available to all eligible U-M employed partners and legal guardians of children, including employees who have also taken maternity leave.
- To request maternity (childbirth) and/or parental leave, an eForm must be submitted. Before submitting a request, please visit the HR website for eligibility information and instructions on how to submit the eForm.
- Please refer to the maternity (childbirth) and parental leave FAQ if you have questions on maternity (childbirth) and/or parental leaves.
- Visit the U-M guidelines for paid maternity (childbirth) and parental leaves to view University policies associated with maternity and/or parental leaves, including but not limited to eligibility; scheduling; and limitations/exclusions.
- Additional guidelines to manage requested maternity (childbirth) and/or parental leaves can be accessed here.
Static and Dynamic Groups are helpful for time approval and running selected manager reports. Using static and dynamic groups is strictly optional, but it provides time-approvers with the advantage of seeing all employees that they are responsible to approve time for, even if they have not yet entered time into their timesheets. Once the request is submitted, an email confirmation will be sent to verify that Paid Leave Balance has received the request.Requests for static and/or dynamic groups are submitted via eForm. Each option is appropriate for different circumstances. View the table below to determine which group is most suitable for your needs before submitting a request form.
Static Groups | Dynamic Groups |
Request Static Group (eForm) | Request Dynamic Group (eForm) |
Employees added to the group have NO common criteria | Employees share a common criteria (Example: Supervisor ID, Department ID) You may request multiple criteria |
Require regular maintenance | Maintenance is automated based on the common criteria |
Employees are entered or removed manually | Employees are entered or removed automatically |
Best for small groups, groups with low turnover, or custom groups that no common criteria | Best for large groups with high turnover, or groups that share a common criteria |