When you need help with a PAR transaction, Contact us via eForm (Choose Data Management) or call us at 734-615-2000 press 1, press 3.
If your unit utilizes the HR Coordinator Service, Contact us via eForm (Choose HR Coordinators) or call us at 734-615-2000, press 1, press 3, press 1.
Please include the following information:
- Type of HR appointment transaction
- PAR Transaction number ( if applicable)
Urgent Assistance
Urgent assistance may be needed with PAR transactions if, for example, a PAR was submitted late and the employee will not receive a paycheck, or a job needs to be added to activate benefits.
Complete our eForm to request assistance with these PAR’S. Once we receive your request you will receive a confirmation email. Please include the following information:
- Type of HR appointment transaction (Example: cutoff, late PAR, Emergency)
- PAR Transaction number ( if applicable)
- Ticket number you received via email from Shared Services, if applicable
To re-assign a PAR approver complete our eForm. Please include the following information:
- Transaction Category (example: Additional pay)
- Uniqname of current approver
- Uniqname of replacement approver
- Reason for reassignment (example: out of office, no longer in department)
- Please complete a transaction for EACH PAR transaction
You are able to request the following types of changes (Legal Name, U-M Work Address, Social Security Number, Birth Date, Visa status, Citizenship Status, and Gender), using the Campus Address or Personal Data Change eForm. This form guides you through exact steps you need to take depending on the type of personal data you need to change.
- If you are a current student and need to update any personal information, please visit the Registrar’s Office.
- For more information on updating personal information as a student, please visit the Personal Information page on the Registrar’s website.
- If you are a retiree or non-employee please do NOT fill out the eForm. Contact our Customer Care Team to process your request.
Please note that you will also need to update any personal changes directly with TIAA and Fidelity Investments, if you participate in any U-M retirement savings plans.
Customer Care Team: 734-615-2000 press 1, press 1
- One-time additional pay
- Work address/phone changes
The HR Batch Toolkit Overview provides an overview of the process. Instructions and templates for the batchload processes can be found by navigating to either the Address Batch or Additional Pay pages or by contacting the HR Data Management Team: ([email protected]) and we will send the appropriate template for submitting the batch load.
SSC Personnel File Only
3003 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1271